A escola avançada, Beyond ΛCDM with the ELT and space facilities (5th Azores School on Observational Cosmology e 7th Azores International Advanced School in Space Sciences), organizada por Carlos Martins do IA-CAUP, terá lugar a 2-8 de setembro de 2024, em Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, Portugal.
Attendance will be limited to 40 students. The level of the lectures will be aimed for PhD students, but MSc students and junior postdocs are also welcome, space permitting. In addition to lectures and hands-on tutorials, the students will have an opportunity to present their own work and discuss it with world experts in the field. Those interested in attending must start by submiting an application, as early as possible from 15 March, but not later than the 31 May deadline.
Para mais detalhes ver o site da escola.