
Aug 2024

Professor Jorge Queiroz talks to "Jornal i" on edition about "Wines - From Gods to Hell"

The researcher at GreenUPorto and Professor at FCUP told us about the wine producers' return to older and more sustainable practices in current wine production

Jorge Queiroz, researcher at GreenUPorto and Professor at the Department of Geosciences, Environment and Spatial Plannings of the Faculty of Sciences of the U.Porto, was one of the experts invited to talk in the special edition of “Jornal i” about “Wines – From Gods to Hell“.

In this special issue, Prof. Jorge Queiroz explains to us how “The history of wine is a continuous source of knowledge and inspiration for today’s vitiviniculturists,” highlighting the recent return of producers to implementing old and more sustainable practices to produce the “nectar of the gods”  (page 5 of the article).

Read the full article here.

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Mar 2024

GreenUPorto highlighted in Perspectiva Atual magazine

The research center's most recent projects and activities were highlighted in the latest edition of the magazine

GreenUPorto was, once again, highlighted in the February 2024 edition of Revista Pespectiva Atual, in an edition entirely dedicated to research centers across the country.

Entitled «GreenUPorto’s role of excellence in R&D in Sustainable Agro-food Production», the article delves into the relevance of the research center, its mission, and multidisciplinary teams, highlighting the excellent evaluation given by the Foundation for Science and Technology, and also publicizing several of the activities and most recent R&D projects underway at GreenUPorto. In the end, the main perspectives for the future of UI are also described.

Read the full article:

Download the article here.

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Oct 2023

Proteins of the Future: Comments from a GreenUPorto researcher in PREVENIR Magazine

José Carlos Ribeiro was the invited expert to talk about his work with alternative protein sources

Our integrated Post-Doctoral researcher José Carlos Ribeiro saw his experience with alternative protein sources, mainly with edible insects, highlighted in the latest edition of PREVENIR Magazine.

The article, written based on the opinion of José and researchers from the  Food4Sustainability Colab, the was addressed the topic of alternative protein sources, as well as the need for more sustainable alternatives compared to current sources of protein of animal origin, identifying advantages and disadvantages of each type of alternative source (e.g. proteins of vegetable origin, meat produced in the laboratory, microorganisms – microalgae, bacteria, fungi, yeast and insects). Full article available here.

José Carlos Ribeiro is a Postdoctoral Researcher at GreenUPorto. He has a degree and master’s degree in Biochemistry, having recently completed his PhD in Agricultural Sciences from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Its main areas of research are related to the use of insects in the food industry (consumer perception, fractionation techniques, and sensory properties) and the application of consumer perception studies and sensory analysis, with a focus on sustainability in the agri-food sector and in innovation in the sensory area.

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Oct 2023

Professor Ruth Pereira comments the topic of Food Sustainability for RTP's program «Civil Society»

The conversation focused on the challenge of producing, distributing, and consuming food in a way that meets the needs of today's generations, without compromising the future ones

Our Director, Ruth Pereira, was invited to speak about her expertise and that of GreenUPorto on Food Sustainability R&D, at RTP’s program «Sociedade Civil».

The conversation focused on the challenge of producing, distributing, and consuming food in a way that meets the needs of today’s generations, without compromising the future ones: the main goal of food sustainability.

Duarte Torres, Director of the Faculty of Nutrition and Food #Sciences of the University of Porto, was also invited to discuss the topic.

See the full program here:

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Feb 2022

Increasing the sustainability and reducing product losses throughout strawberry production chain: Professor Susana Carvalho presents the project that targets the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea

In an article published in the Portuguese newspaper Diário de Notícias, the GreenUPorto researcher explained the relevance of the ‘Botrytis-XTalk Project’ recently financed by FCT

Over the next three years, a research team coordinated by Professor Susana Carvalho (with Dr. Tânia Fernandes as Co-PI) will develop sustainable strategies to mitigate the effect of grey mould on strawberry, in the laboratories of GreenUPorto/FCUP, in partnership with the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom). In an interview to Diário de Notícias, the researcher explained that the fungal pathogen that causes this disease, Botrytis cinerea, results in drastic production losses and reduces the strawberry shelf life. This was the starting point in the development of the Project “Botrytis-XTalk: eXploring host-fungal crossTalk for early and sustainable control of gray mold”, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and briefly explained by its Coordinator here.

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Nov 2021

Campus Vairão highlighted on the European map of Circular Cities

As part of the Circular Cities Week 2021, the vertical garden of GreenUPorto was highlighted by the European agency COST


The recent vertical garden, installed on the Vairão campus, gained European visibility, after being featured on the webpage of the prestigious European research and innovation funding institution European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).

In a world undergoing profound changes, in which expressions such as “decarbonization of the economy”, “ecological footprint”, and “circular economy” have become part of everyday life, marked changes in the way we produce and consume have become essential in the debate about the cities we want for the future.

In the week in which circular cities are celebrated, COST went searching for points where these changes are already taking place and found one of them on our campus Vairão.

The vertical garden, installed on the south side of the FCV2 building for agricultural sciences, thus gained European visibility, having been highlighted in the promotional video #Circular Cities Week 2021. Watch the video about circular cities, here.

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Jun 2021

Project “Strawberry+: new approaches to boost strawberry quality from the field to the industry” disseminated in the program 90 Seconds of Science, from the radio station Antena 1

The Scientific Coordinator of Strawberry+, Professor Susana Carvalho (GreenUPorto/FCUP), gave voice to the project that intends to optimize the production of strawberry

The Project Strawberry+, developed by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto/GreenUPorto, the company Frulact and the Portuguese Catholic University, and financed by the National Innovation Agency (Portugal 2020), was presented in the radio program “90 seconds of Science”, from Antena 1.

GreenUPorto researcher Susana Carvalho attended the challenge of presenting Strawberry+ in a very brief way, and addressed the main aspects of the project that aims to improve the production of strawberry, within a sustainable perspective.

Access here the podcast dedicated to Strawberry+, and stay with the essentials of this project.

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May 2021

EW-BIOSENSOR project disclosed in the “90 Seconds of Science” program broadcasted by Antena 1 radio station

The GreenUPorto researcher Ruth Pereira explained the objective of the project, which aims to increase sustainability in grapevine cultivation, through the application of biosensors in vineyard soils

The EW-BIOSENSOR Project, which is being developed within the scope of the IJUP Empresas program and which counts with the participation of the company from the wine sector Sogrape Vinhos SA, was disclosed in the radio program “90 Segundos de Ciência”. In ninety seconds of science dissemination, stay with the essentials of the EW-BIOSENSOR project, through the voice of GreenUPorto researcher, Ruth Pereira. Access the Antena 1 podcast here.

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Sep 2018

LIPOR Open Day

Soil quality as a theme of activities

On September 29, researchers from GreenUPorto collaborated with LIPOR in the commemoration of its Open Day. The evaluation of soil quality was the topic of the activity developed with children and adults. While adults learned to measure various indicators of soil quality, the youngest ones have become fascinated with the magnifying glass and with the diversity of soil organisms.

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