Projetos Internacionais

Projetos atualmente ativos em que os membros integrados do GreenUPorto participam ou coordenam.

2023 – 2029

WINTOUR - International Master on Wine Tourism Transitions and Innovations

Financiado por
Erasmus+, UE
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Jorge Queiroz
Master course, training, formação, enotourism, wine
2024 – 2028

LivingSoiLL - Healthy Soil to Permanent Crops Living Labs

Financiado por
Horizon Europe
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira, João Pacheco, Anabela Cachada, Tatiana Andreani
sustainable agriculture, grapevine, soil quality, soil quality indicators, vineyards
2023 – 2027

AGRIFOOD4FUTURE: Centers of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems

Financiado por
Erasmus+, UE
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira
sustainable agriculture, Agricultura sustentável, Sustainable agriculture, smart agriculture, good agricultural practices, training, formação
2023 – 2027

PHENET-EU - Tools and methods for extended plant PHENotyping and Enviro Typing services of European Research Infrastructures

Financiado por
Horizon Europe
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira
Agricultura sustentável, Sustainable agriculture, environmental safety, smart agriculture, risk assessment, soil quality, plant health
2023 – 2026

BlueWWater - Control, tratamiento y reducción de microplásticos y contaminantes emergentes en aguas residuales urbanas y en el medio costero transfronterizo

Financiado por
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
environmental safety, risk assessment, water
2023 – 2026


Financiado por
Horizon Europe
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Luís Gustavo Pereira
Agricultura sustentável, Sustainable agriculture, stress tolerance, rice, arroz
2023 – 2026

ENOTOUR - Creating a Multifunctional training platform to transform the business model of regional enotourism industries

Financiado por
Erasmus+, UE
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Jorge Queiroz
vineyards, training, formação, industry, enotourism
2023 – 2026


Financiado por
PRIMA - Partnersip for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ada Rocha
nutritional quality, Mediterranean, Food, Alimentação, Health
2023 – 2026

Wheatbiome: Unravelling the potential of the wheat microbiome for the development of healthier, more sustainable and resilient wheat-derived food & feed products

Financiado por
Horizon Europe
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira, Susana MP Carvalho
sustainable agriculture, nutritional quality, stress tolerance, good agricultural practices, Food, Alimentação, Health, Wheat, Trigo
2022 – 2025

Biology of xylem-sap feeding insect vectors and potential vectors of Xylella fastidiosa in Portugal

Financiado por
EFSA – European Food Safety Authorithy
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ana Aguiar
insetos vetores, risk assessment, plant health
2020 – 2025

RADONORM - Managing Risk from Radon and NORMs

Financiado por
EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation H2020. Programme: NFRP-2019-2020 (Ref. 90009)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira (Researcher; responsible at FCUP)
risk assessment, naturally occurring radionuclides, radon
2022 – 2024

2Improve: Boost the potential of resistant indigenous plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria to improve crop productivity and soil quality in Estarreja and Baixo Vouga Lagunar affected agroecosystems

Financiado por
Labex DRIIHM & Réseau des Observatoire Hommes-Milieux – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (ROHM-CNRS). (OHM-E/2022/Proj. 1)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Sirine Bouguerra (Coordinator or PI), João Oliveira-Pacheco (Researcher), Ruth Pereira (Researcher).
agricultural soils, metal(loids), salinization, maize, bioinoculants, productivity
2020 – 2023

COPPEREPLACE – Development and implementation of new technologies, products and strategies to reduce copper applications in vineyards and to remediate contaminated soils in the SUDOE region

Financiado por
European Commission: Interreg SUDOE (Ref. SOE4/P1/E10000)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira (responsible at GreenUPorto/FCUP)
copper contamination, copper substitutes, soil vulnerability
2020 – 2023

TERRATECH – masTERs course on smArt Agriculture TECHnologies

Financiado por
European Commission – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances (Ref. 621568-EPP-1-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-KA)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira (Coordinator or PI); Susana Carvalho (Vice-coordinator); Anabela Cachada, Sofia Oliveira, Verónica Nogueira, Tânia Fernandes (Team Members)
IoT, Master course, sensoring, smart agriculture
2019 – 2023

PRE-HLB – Preventing HLB epidemics for ensuring citrus survival in Europe

Financiado por
H2020 EU
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
A. Aguiar, J. Neto (Team members; WP3 e WP6)
citrinos, genética, doença do 'greening', biotecnologia, psilídios, insetos vetores, Aurantoideae, epidemiologia
2019 – 2023


Financiado por
Horizon Europe
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Luís M. Cunha
industry, Food, Alimentação, Insects,
2020 – 2021

@10 years - Ten years of OHM: data compilation for a holistic environmental and human health risk assessment

Financiado por
Labex DRIIHM & Réseau des Observatoire Hommes-Millieux – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (ROHM-CNRS) (Ref: OHM-Estarreja/2019/Proj.1)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira (Researcher)
risk assessment, chemical complex, groundwater contamination
2020 – 2021

Is4RISK – derivation of soil reference values for potentially toxic elements (As, Pb and Cu) by using a regosol representive of Estarreja soils

Financiado por
Labex DRIIHM & Réseau des Observatoire Hommes-Millieux – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (ROHM-CNRS). (OHM-E/2020/Proj. 7)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira (Coordinator or PI)
metals, risk assessment, soil quality guidelines
2020 – 2021

SSTemWater: Sources and Short-term TEMporal evolution of GroundWATER contamination in Estarreja region

Financiado por
Labex DRIIHM & Réseau des Observatoire Hommes-Millieux – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (ROHM-CNRS) (Ref: OHM-E/2020/Proj.2)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira (Researcher)
risk assessment, groundwater contamination, chemical complex
2017 – 2020

AgriNuPes - Integrated monitoring and control of water, nutrients and plant protection products towards a sustainable agricultural sector

Financiado por
ERA-NET WaterWorks2015 (Ref. WaterJPI/002/2015)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana Carvalho (Work Package Coordinator – WP5); Ana Aguiar, Miguel Santos, Ruth Pereira (Team Members)
fertigation, greenhouse horticulture, sensors, soilless cultivation, sustainable agriculture
2017 – 2020

Expressão da ciência nas políticas públicas relativas a obesidade: um estudo cross cultural

Financiado por
Internacional // MCTI, CNPQ Brasil (Protocolo do SIGProj: 282053.1429.46159.07092017)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ana Pinto de Moura (PT Team leader); LM Cunha (Team member)
obesogenic environment, public policies, text mining
2017 – 2020

VISCA – Vineyards Integrated Smart Climate Application’

Financiado por
H2020-EU-Innovation action (Grant agreement No. 730253)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Jorge Queiroz (FCUP coordinator); A Aguiar, A Carneiro, I Cabral, SMP Carvalho
climate change, decision support systems, grapevine, modelling, wine
2018 – 2019

MATiSSe - Microplastics on AgriculTural SoilS: assessment of their impact on physical, chemical and biological soil properties

Financiado por
Internacional // CNRS – OHM-Estarreja, Paris, France
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Andrés Rodríguez Seijo (Project Coordinator); A Cachada, R Pereira (Team members)
agricultural soils, contamination, microplastic, soil
2017 – 2018

NAMELESs - Nanomaterials for the Remediation of agriculture Metal contaminated soils surrounding the Estarreja chemical complex

Financiado por
Internacional // CNRS – OHM-Estarreja, Paris, France (Ref. OHM-E/2017/Proj.3)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira (Project Coordinator); A Cachada, A Rodríguez Seijo (Team members)
agricultural soils, contamination, soil, metals

Projetos Nacionais

Projetos atualmente ativos em que os membros integrados do GreenUPorto participam ou coordenam.

2023 – 2026

ProCardo - Caracterização das proteinases aspárticas de Cardo na promoção do queijo da Serra

Financiado por
Promove BPI la Caixa
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Cláudia Pereira
industry, Food, Alimentação, cheese, Serra da Estrela, fisiologia
2023 – 2025

CC&NUTS - CASTANHEIRO VS ALTERAÇÕES CLIMÁTICAS: o papel do stress priming e da micorrização

Financiado por
Promove BPI la Caixa
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Fernanda Fidalgo
stress tolerance, castanheiro, climate change
2022 – 2025

BFREE - Biocontrolo de FRutos e de lEgumEs

Financiado por
PRR Agendas Mobilizadoras
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana MP Carvalho
sustainable agriculture, fruit quality, horticulture, plant pathology, fungal plant pathogens, plant health, Food, Alimentação, fruit, vegetables
2022 – 2025

BioShoes4All – Innovation and empowerment of the footwear industry for a sustainable bioeconomy

Financiado por
PRR Agendas Mobilizadoras
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira
biotecnologia, industry
2022 – 2025

VIIAFOOD - Plataforma de Valorização, Industrialização e Inovação comercial para o AgroAlimentar

Financiado por
PRR Agendas Mobilizadoras
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Luís M. Cunha
Agricultura sustentável, industry, Food, Alimentação
2022 – 2024

Botrytis-XTalk: eXploring host-fungal crossTalk for early and sustainable control of grey mould

Financiado por
FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology; Ref. PTDC/ASP-PLA/4478/2021)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana MP Carvalho (PI); Tânia R. Fernandes (Co-PI)
sustainable agriculture, , plant pathology, fungal plant pathogens, strawberry
2021 – 2023

LeguCon - Consórcio para as Leguminosas - aumento da produção de leguminosas para um consumo mais sustentável

Financiado por
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Programa Gulbenkian Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Grant no. 238442)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana Carvalho (Member of the Advisory Board)
pulses, legumes, good agricultural practices, nutrient use efficiency, family agriculture
2021 – 2023

S4Hort_Soil&Food – Sustainable practices for Soil health & horticultural products quality improvement in the Entre Douro e Minho Region

Financiado por
Norte2020 - Sistema de Apoio à Investigação Científica e Tecnológica – ‘Projetos Estruturados de I&D&I’ Horizonte Europa (NORTE-45-2020-75) (Ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000074)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira (Project Coordinator); Susana Carvalho, Luís Cunha, Fernanda Fidalgo, Sirine Bouguerra, Cristiano Soares, Joana Serrão (Team Members)
horticultural growing media, horticulture, recycling
2021 – 2023

SNAP - Sustainable Management and Control of Agro-Production Systems

Financiado por
Norte2020 - Sistema de Apoio à Investigação Científica e Tecnológica – ‘Projetos Estruturados de I&D&I’ Horizonte Europa (NORTE-45-2020-75) (Ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000085)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana Carvalho (Coordinator Research Line 1); Luís Cunha (Team Member)
plant factories, vertical farms, LEDs, aromatic and medicinal plants, smart agriculture, process systems engineering
2020 – 2023


Financiado por
FEDER (ERDF)/Norte 2020 (Portugal 2020) (REF. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000041)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira, Susana Carvalho, Luís Cunha (Team Members)
plant elicitors, soil quality, soil quality indicators, vineyards, nutrient use efficiency, kiwifruit, tomato
2020 – 2023

cLabel+ – Alimentos inovadores “clean label” naturais, nutritivos e orientados para o consumidor

Financiado por
PRR Agendas Mobilizadoras
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Luís M. Cunha
nutritional quality, industry, Food, Alimentação, Health, Insects, consumer
2020 – 2023

GreenShoes 4.0 - Calçado, Marroquinaria e Tecnologias Avançadas de Materiais, Equipamentos e Software

Financiado por
Agência Nacional de Inovação S.A. (ANI). Programa: Portugal2020/COMPETE2020 - Projetos em Copromoção (Ref: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046082)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Fernanda Fidalgo, Cristiano Soares, Ruth Pereira (Team Members)
2020 – 2023

PEST(bio)CIDE - Better management Practices of Eucalypts burnt Stands by promoTing the use of leaf bIomass as bioCIDE

Financiado por
FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; PCIF/GVB/0150/2018)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Fernanda Fidalgo (PI), Ruth Pereira (Co-PI); A. Cachada, T. Andreani, S. Bouguerra, I.V. Nogueira, C. Soares, B. Sousa, M.J. Martins (Team Members)
Post-fire management, Sustainable agriculture, Invasive species, Assisted regeneration
2019 – 2022

SafeNPest - Synthesis and environmental safety of nanopesticides

Financiado por
FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029343)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira (Co-PI), Fernanda Fidalgo (Team member), Cristiano Soares (PhD student), Ana Gavina (PhD student)
nanopesticides, environmental safety, cytotoxicity, ecotoxicity
2018 – 2022

StressNet - Membrane remodeling under stress: characterization of protein determinants and interaction networks

Financiado por
FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; PTDC/BIA-FBT/32013/2017)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
José Pissarra (PI), Susana Pereira (Co-PI); Cláudia Pereira, Ana séneca, Miguel Sampaio (Team Members)
stress tolerance, unconventional pathways, membrane remodeling, endocytic pathways
2018 – 2021

4Cs – Consumer Cross Cultural Context – Avaliação intercultural de vinhos e produtos tradicionais portugueses

Financiado por
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Luís Miguel Cunha (Investigador Responsável), Susana Fonseca (Investigadora)
2018 – 2021

BerryPlastid - Biosynthesis of secondary compounds in the grape berry: unlocking the role of the plastid

Financiado por
FEDER (ERDF)/COMPETE 2020 (Portugal 2020) and national funds via FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028165)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Fernanda Fidalgo (PI from FCUP); Jorge Teixeira (Team Member), Cristiano Soares (PhD student)
spatio-temporal variability, oxydative stress, fertilizer, echinoculture
2018 – 2021

EOIS-CropProt- Essential oils, infusions, and silicon in crop protection. A study using tomato plants as a model to disclose the biopesticides induced defense mechanisms of plants, through an omics approach

Financiado por
European Investment Funds and National Funds by FEDER/OE, Project IC&DT (ref. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031131)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Manuel Fernandes-Ferreira (Coordinator); Rose Marie Sousa (Team member)
biopesticides formulations, essential oils, infusions, silicon, micro-/nanotechnologies, transcriptomic, metabolomic
2018 – 2021

GreenRehab- Green rehabilitation system for burned soils based on the inoculation of native cyanobacteria and microalgae

Financiado por
FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; Ref. PCIF/RPG/0077/2017)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Paula Melo (Co-PI), Ruth Pereira, Anabela Cachada (Team members)
burned soils, ecosystem rehabilitation, inoculation-based techniques, native cyanobacteria and microalgae
2018 – 2021

Val-WRACK - Wrack as high value resource in a global warming scenario. Is it worthy to invest on it?

Financiado por
FEDER (ERDF)/COMPETE 2020 (Portugal 2020) and national funds via FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029818)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Fernanda Fidalgo (PI from FCUP); Cristiano Soares (PhD student)
secondary metabolism, plastid, grapevine, fruit quality
2018 – 2020

I9RURAL – Technical Assistance and Transfer of Innovation for Forestry and Agriculture

Financiado por
PDR2020 – Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural (Projeto 2024-032881)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana Fonseca (Project Coordinator at FCUP/GreenUPorto); Ana Aguiar, Joana Neto, Susana Carvalho (Team Members)
digital platform, collaborative network, knowledge transfer
2017 – 2020

Arroz BIG - Development of rice products with low glycemic index

Financiado por
ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação (Projetos de I&DT empresas em copromoção P2020; Projeto 17931)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Luís M Cunha (Team leader), SC Fonseca, D Cabral (Team member)
consumer perception, food related emotions, new product development, sensory profiling
2017 – 2020

MOBFood - Mobilizing scientific and technological knowledge in response to the challenges of the agri-food market

Financiado por
Compete2020 – Projetos Mobilizadores (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024524)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Luís M Cunha (Work Package Scientific Leader PPS8 – New Methodologies for the Evaluation of Consumer Perception), SC Fonseca, J Queiroz, SMP Carvalho (Team members)
context, dynamic sensory profiling, mixed (virtual and augmented) reality systems, sensory panel performance, traditional products perception and profiling
2016 – 2020

Strawberry+: novel approaches for boosting strawberry quality from field to industry

Financiado por
ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação (Projetos de I&DT empresas em copromoção P2020; POCI-01-0247-FEDER-017821)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana Carvalho (Project Scientific Coordinator); S Fonseca, L M Cunha, A Aguiar, M Wang (Team members)
biostimulants, nutritional quality, physicochemical quality, sensorial quality, yield
2016 – 2019

(Fe)rrying plants to prevent chlorosis

Financiado por
FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; PTDC/AGR-PRO/3515/2014)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana Carvalho (Team member)
Fe-chelates, Iron deficiency chlorosis, Fe uptake mechanism, IDC gene markers
2016 – 2019

NUTRI4CAST - Nutritional forecasting: towards mitigating the impact of climate change on legume nutrition

Financiado por
FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; PTDC/AGR-PRO/3972/2014)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana Carvalho (Team member)
CO2, Common bean, iron, soybean
2016 – 2019

PSAlert - Kiwifruit Bacterial Canker: Exploring Tolerance Mechanisms and Novel Control Techniques

Financiado por
FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; PTDC/AGR-PRO/6156/2014)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana Carvalho (Project Coordinator); M Nunes da Silva (Team member)
kiwifruit, elicitors, G x E, Pseudomonas syringae (PSA)
2016 – 2019

QuaLaty - Deciphering the grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) quality riddle. How can the omics technologies contribute to a demand-driven improvement in legume quality?

Financiado por
FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; PTDC/AGR-TEC/0992/2014)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Luís Cunha (Team member)
consumer perception, children, fermented legumes, innovation
2016 – 2018

CORAL - Sustainable Ocean Exploitation: Tools and Sensors

Financiado por
FEDER/ Norte2020 (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000036)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
GreenUPorto members: Ruth Pereira (Team member)
2016 – 2018

INNOVMAR. ECOSERVICES- assessing the environmental quality, vulnerability and risks for the sustainable management of NW coast natural resources and ecosystem services

Financiado por
FEDER/ Norte2020 (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000035)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Ruth Pereira (Team member)
2016 – 2018

SMARTAgriFor Norte2020 – Promoting Agri-Food and Forestry Stakeholder Engagement for Knowledge transfer and SmartAgriFor partnerships

Financiado por
FEDER/ Norte2020 - Sistema de Apoio às Ações Coletivas ‘Transferência de Conhecimento Cientifico e Tecnológico – Teaming’/ CCDR-N (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023)
Papel dos membros do GreenUPorto
Susana Carvalho (UPorto co-coordinator); S Fonseca, L Cunha, J Queiroz (Team members)
biostimulants, nutritional quality, physicochemical quality, sensorial quality, yield