Closing Webinar of the EU-Project AgriNuPes

AgriNuPes – Integrated monitoring and control of water, nutrients and plant protection products towards a sustainable agricultural sector’ Closing Webinar took place on the 4th December 2020 with a one-day program including presentations from each Work Package Coordinator as well as communications from researchers of the other EU-ongoing projects under the framework of efficient use of water (REWATER, WATER4EVER, OPERA and POTENTIAL). This webinar was also enriched with the participation of Dr. Esther Diez Cebollero as representative of Water Joint Programming Initiative (Water JPI), a world reference inter-governmental program in the scope of sustainable use of water.

AgriNuPes ( is an EU-Project financed under the ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015 call (integral part of the 2016 Joint Activities developed by Water JPI) and coordinated by the Portuguese research institution INESC-TEC. The project AgriNuPes began in 2017 and had the participation of FCUP/GreenUPorto and other international entities, namely the Turkish Water Institute (SUEN), EGE University, EGE Life Sciences (Turkey), the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE, Sweden), Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands) and the Spanish company Riegos y Tecnología S. L. (RITEC, Spain), dedicated to water use efficiency in agriculture. This international consortium has been developing a sensing system consisting in NPK optical sensors and biosensors for detection of residues of phytopharmaceutical products, to be integrated in smart systems for supporting irrigation management in agriculture. FCUP/GreenUPorto is responsible for WP5 – Cascade ReUse Systems, which aims at assessing the suitability and impact of these production systems on water/drainage quality, soil quality and at plant level. In the closing webinar, the prototype sensors developed were presented and all the outcomes from more than three years of research were disseminated, including regional case studies which aimed at assessing the applicability of the sensors and the adequacy of the production systems commonly utilized nowadays.

The webinar detailed program is available here.