Tópicos de Física

The course Tópicos de Física (Physics Topics) was a first semester course for physics undergraduates, that I developed between 1994 -2000, based on the premise that high school students already have enough of a knowledge basis to address interesting problems, that they may think are beyond their reach. A set of lecture notes and an extensive problem set (in Portuguese) was produced. The help of Dr Fátima Mota in producing the lecture notes is gratefully acknowledged, as well that of several colleagues, José Fernando Mendes, Jorge Reis Lima, Maria Augusta Santos e Maria do Céu Marques who collaborated in the course and contributed to the problem set.

Tópicos de Física: aulas teóricasThe set of lecture notes dealing with dimensional arguments, deterministic and probabilistic models1999
Tópicos de Física: problemasThe problem set includes so called open problems, unconnected with specific topics of the lectures. 1999