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The IAPG – International Association for Promoting Geoethics ( is a multidisciplinary, scientific network for widening the discussion and creating consciousness about problems of Ethics applied to the Geosciences, in particular on the ethical, social and cultural implications of Earth sciences knowledge, education, communication, research and practice.

IAPG is legally recognized as a not-for-profit association, is affiliated to the IUGS – International Union of Geological Sciences, ICPHS – International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences, AGI – American Geosciences Institute, GSL – Geological Society of London, CFES – Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences, GSA – Geological Society of America, has members in 125 countries on 5 continents, and can count on a network of 30 national sections. A huge number of international agreements (for example, with AGU, EFG, EGS, IAH, IGEO, IAEG, GC, YES, etc.) places the IAPG in the middle of an important geoscience network aimed at  sharing values, documents, and initiatives on geoethics.