Arriving to Tangier
Social Program


Abstracts submission - July 5, 2004
Full papers - During the meeting

Abstracts Acceptable Formats

a. Official Language: Abstracts will be accepted in English
b. Accepted abstracts will be published in an abstract volume. Submission of an abstract implies that organizers have permission to reproduce the abstract in programs and reports related to the Assembly.
c. Acceptance notifications will be sent in July 15 2004.
d. Methods of submission
   Electronic submission : tmourabit@fstt.ac.ma or tmourabit@menara.ma
   Postal submission:
      Taoufik Mourabit
      Wegener 2004, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
      Km 10, Route de Ziaten
      B.P. 416, Tangier-Morocco

Individuals wishing to present papers at technical sessions are requested to submit abstracts to the local organizing committee.

Abstracts Required Layout

The required layout for inclusion in the Book of Abstracts is:
Paper size: A4
Margins: 2.5 cm all around
Font: Times Roman
Title size: 12 points, bold
Authors size: 10 points
Text size: 12 points
Justification: left
Spacing: single

Type the title of the contribution.
Leave one blank line after the title block.
Type the initial(s) and last name of each author.
Type the authors addresses starting a new line. Start a new line for each author with a different affiliation.
Underline the name of the author who will be presenting the paper and include her/his e-mail and/or fax number.
Leave one blank line after the authors' block and type the text of the abstract (400 words maximum).
Do not leave blank lines for new paragraphs.