Publications / Publicações

Trabalhos de pós-graduação e teses

[1] Mendonça, T. (1984). "Definição e cálculo do integral definido (Riemann)", Relatório de uma aula teórico-prática, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.

[2] Mendonça, T. (1984). "Detecção em tempo real de pontas e ondas epileptiformes no electroencefalograma", Trabalho de Síntese, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.

[3] Mendonça, T. (1992). "Métodos e algoritmos para o controlo de sistemas biológicos: aplicações ao controlo do bloqueio neuromuscular", Tese de doutoramento, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.

Artigos em revistas internacionais (ISI) e em Actas de Conferências com revisão independente

[1] Mendonça, T., Guedes de Oliveira, P. (1982). "A real time program for epileptiform spike detection in the EEG", Proceedings of the 1982 Portugal Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications, (ed. J.P,Marques de Sá),Portugal B2/8/1-8.

[2] Mendonça, T., Lago, P., Bastos, R., Amorim, P.C., Araújo, M.S. (1986). "Controlo automático do bloqueio neuromuscular: simulação de estratégias de controlo", Actas do 5ª Conf. Nacional de Física, Sociedade Portuguesa de Física, Braga, Portugal, 4.48-4.58.

[3] Lago, P., Mendonça, T. (1988). "Algoritmos para o cálculo e estimação de intervalos de confiança de concentrações plasmáticas e do efeito farmacodinâmico induzido", Actas I Congresso Português de Engenharia Biomédica, Porto, Portugal, 26-28.

[4] Mendonça, T., Lemos, J., Lago, P. (1989). "Long-range adaptive control of muscle relaxation with input constraints", Proceedings IFAC Workshop on Decision support for patient management: Measurement, Model ling and Control, City University, London, U.K..

[5] Mendonça, T., Lemos, J. (1989). "A Long-range adaptive controller with input constraints", Proceedings IFAC Symposium on Advanced Information Processing in Automatic Control, AIPAC'89, Nancy, France.

[6] Mendonça, T., Lago, P., Seabra, M., Esteves, S., Araújo, M.S. (1990). "Sistema automático de controlo do bloqueio neuromuscular", Actas do 2º Congresso Português de Engenharia Biomédica, Aveiro, Portugal, 5.3.1-5.3.3.

[7] Lemos, J., Mendonça, T., Mosca, E. (1991). "Long-range adaptive control with input constraints", Int. Journal of Control, 54, 2, 289-306.

[8] Mosca, E., Lemos, J., Mendonça, T., Nistri, P. (1991). "Input variance constrained adaptive control and singularly perturbed ODE", Proceedings 1st European Control Conference, ECC’91, Grenoble, France, 2175-2180.

[9] Mosca, E., Lemos, J., Mendonça, T., Nistri, P. (1992). "Adaptive predictive control with mean-square input constraint", Automatica, 28, 593-597.

[10] Seabra, M., Esteves, S. Araújo, M.S., Mendonça, T., Lago, P., Lemos, J. "A β -robust controller for the infusion of atracurium in general anesthesia", 15th Annual Meeting European Academy of Anaesthesiology, Porto, Portugal (1993). Resumo publicado posteriormente no European Journal of Anaesthesiology (1994), 11, 3, 253-254.

[11] Esteves, S., Seabra M., Araújo, M.S., Mendonça, T., Lago, P. (1994). "Towards automatic control of muscle relaxation: 3 years of clinical experience with atracurium", 15th Annual Meeting European Academy of Anaesthesiology, Porto, Portugal.

[12] Lago, P., Mendonça, T., Lemos, J., Seabra, M., Esteves S., Araújo, M.S. (1994). "A β -robust controller for closed loop drug delivery systems: Application to the infusion of atracurium in general anesthesia", Proc. IFAC Symp. on Modeling and Control in Biomedical Systems (ed. Patterson B.W.), Galveston, USA, 175-176.

[13] Lago, P., Mendonça, T., Lemos, J., Seabra, M., Esteves, S., Araújo, M.S. (1994). "Um controlador β-robusto para infusão contínua de atracúrio em anestesia geral", Actas III Congresso Português de Engenharia Biomédica (ed. Cavalheiro e J. Santos), Porto, Portugal, 1.

[14] Mendonça, T., Araújo, I., Lago, P. (1996). "Autocalibração de um controlador de parâmetros fixos do nível do bloqueio neuromuscular", Actas IV Congresso Português de Engenharia Biomédica (ed. SPEB), Aveiro, Portugal, VIII 1.1-1.3.

[15] Mendonça, T., Lago,P., Lemos, J. (1996). "Control strategies for biological systems: application to the automatic control of neuromuscular blockade", Proceedings Control’96, 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Porto, Portugal, 561-565.

[16] Mendonça, T., Lago, P., Araújo I.M. (1997). "Control of neuromuscular blockade: a method for the autocalibration of PID controllers", Proceedings IFAC Symp. on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (ed. Institute of Measurement and Control, London), Warwick, UK, 8.47-8.50.

[17] Valente de Oliveira, J., Mendonça, T., Lemos, J. (1997). "Long-range adaptive fuzzy control of neuromuscular blockade", Proceedings IFAC Symp. on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, (ed. Institute of Measurement and Control, London), Warwick, UK, 1.13-1.16.

[18] Lago, P., Mendonça, T., Gonçalves, L. (1998). "On-line autocalibration of a PID controller of neuromuscular blockade", CCA’98, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Trieste, Italy, Sept 1-4, 3.68-3.72.

[19] Mendonça, T., Lago, P. (1998). "PID control strategies for the automatic control of neuromuscular blockade", Control Eng. Practice, 6, 1225-1231.

[20] Mendonça, T., Neves, A.J., Rocha, P. (1998). "A remark on the solvability conditions for the pole-zero placement problem", Proceedings of the 3th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo’98, Coimbra, Portugal, 9-11 Sept, 57-61.

[21] Valente de Oliveira J., Mendonça, T., Lemos J., Lago, P. (1998) "Fuzzy model based adaptive predictive control of neuromuscular relaxation using continuous infusion", Proceedings ISIAC98, Second Symposium on Intel ligent Automation (WACÕ98 - World Automation Conference), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, Maio 1-4, ISIAC 042.1 - 042.6.

[22] Mendonça, T., Lago, P., Mota, A. (1999). "MATLAB implementation of a neuromuscular blockade controller", Proceedings of the International ICSC Congress on Computational Intel ligence Methods and Applications (ICSC Academic Press), Rochester, USA, 541-545.

[23] Lago, P., Mendonça, T., Azevedo, H., Caridade, C. (2000). "Comparison of on-line autocalibration techniques of controller of neuromuscular blockade", Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of the International Federation of Automatic Control on Model ling and Control of Biomedical Systems, Karlsburg, Germany, March 30-April 1, 263-268.

[24] Mendonça, T., Lago, P., Eusébio, D. (2000). "Control of individualized drug dosage regimen based on sparse measurements", Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of the International Federation of Automatic Control on Model ling and Control of Biomedical Systems, Karlsburg, Germany, March 30-April 1, 41-46.

[25] Neves, A.J., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2000). "A switching scheme for neuromuscular blockade control", Proc. 14th International Conference on Systems Engineering, ICSE’2000, 651-654, Coventry University, UK, 12-14 September.

[26] Neves, A.J., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2000). "Tracking by switching control: a case study", Proceedings 4th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo’2000, 61-65, Guimarães, 4-6 Outubro.

[27] Mendonça, T., Lago, P., Magalhães, H., Neves, A.J., Rocha, P. (2002). "On-line multiple model switching control implementation: a case study", Proceedings 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (ed. Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica, Instituto
Superior Técnico), Lisboa, Portugal, 9-12 Julho.

[28] Gonçalves, L., Mendonça, T., Lemos, J. (2002). "Identification and predictive control of wiener nonlinear systems", Proceedings 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (ed. Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica, Instituto Superior Técnico), Lisboa, Portugal, 9-12 July.

[29] Magalhães, H., Mendonça, T., Lago, P., Rocha, P. (2002). "A MATLAB tool for switching control", Proceedings 5th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Aveiro, Portugal, 5-8 Sept, 284-288.

[30] Neves, A.J., Rocha, P., Mendonça, T. (2002). "A switching control scheme for improving reference tracking", 5th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Aveiro, Portugal, 5-8 Sept, 273-277.

[31] Silva, M.E., Mendonça, T., Silva, I., Magalhães, H. (2002). "On-line controller autocalibration based on parameter predictors: a case study", Advances in Simulation, Systems, Theory and Systems Engineering, Eds. Nikos Mastorakis and Vitaliy Kluev, WSEAS Press, 261-266.

[32] Magalhães, H., Mendonça, T., Lago, P. (2002). "A Matlab smart adaptive system for the control of neuromuscular blockade", Proc. of 2nd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, Vienna, Austria, December 4-8, 664-665.

[33] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T. (2003). "Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling of pharmacodynamic interactions during general anaesthesia", Proc. of 16th International Conference on Systems Engineering, ICSE'2003, Coventry University, UK, 9-11 September, 520-524.

[34] Lemos, J., Magalhães, H., Dionísio, R., Mendonça, T. (2003). "Control of physiological variables in the presence of interrupted feedback measurements", Proc. of 16th International Conference on Systems Engineering, ICSE’2003, Coventry University, UK, 9-11 September, 433-438.

[35] Ramos, S., Silva, I., Silva, M.E., Mendonça, T. (2003). "Alarm detection methods for physiological variables", Proc. of 16th International Conference on Systems Engineering, ICSE’2003, Coventry University, UK, 9-11 September, 575-579.

[36] Mendonca, T., Silva, M.E., Silva, I., Magalhães, H. (2003). "Relevant contributions to an adaptive control system for the neuromuscular blockade", European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their Implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems (EUNITE-2003), Oulu, Finland, 10-12 July, 295-301.

[37] Mendonca, T., Lemos, J., Magalhães, H., Lourenço, J. (2003). "Adaptive control strategies for time varying systems: global versus recursive identification", European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their Implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems (EUNITE-2003), Special Session: Adaptive and Hybrid Intel ligent Systems in Medicine, Oulu, Finland, 10-12 July, 234-243.

[38] Nunes, C., Mendonca, T., Geraldes, C., Amorim, P. (2003). "Data analysis for a hybrid patient model", European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their Implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems (EUNITE-2003), Oulu, Finland, 10-12 July, 302-311.

[39] Mendonça, T., Magalhães, H., Lago, P., Esteves, S. (2004). "Hippocrates: a robust system for the control of neuromuscular blockade", Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 18(4), 265-273.

[40] Magalhães, H., Lemos, J., Mendonça, T. (2004). "Hidden Markov Models based supervision of sensor faults: application to neuromuscular blockade control", 6th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Faro, Portugal, 7-9 Junho, 343-348.

[41] Gonçalves, L., Mendonça, T., Lemos, J. (2004). "Adaptive algorithms for Wiener nonlinear systems and their application to neuromuscular blockade control", 6th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Faro, Portugal, 7-9 Junho, 618-623.

[42] Neves, A., Rocha, P., Mendonça, T. (2004). "Switching control based on multiple models", 6th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Faro, Portugal, 7-9 Junho, 9-24.

[43] Mendonça, T., Lourenço, J., Magalhães, H., Lemos, J.M. (2004). "Hybrid adaptive tuner control: application to neuromuscular blockade", Eunite Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems, Aachen, Germany, June 10-12, 322-331.

[44] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T., Amorim, P., Ferreira, D., Antunes, L. (2004). "Stochastic and neuro-fuzzy modelling for predicting return of consciousness after general anaesthesia", Eunite Symposium on Intel ligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation
on Smart Adaptive Systems, Aachen, Germany, June 10-12, 169-178.

[45] Nunes C., Mendonça, T., Amorim, P., Ferreira, D., Antunes, L. (2004). "Radial basis function neural networks versus fuzzy models to predict return of consciousness after general anesthesia", Proc. of the 26th Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, San Francisco, USA, September 1-5.

[46] Silva, M.E., Mendonça, T., Silva, I., Magalhães, H. (2005). "Statistical analysis of neuromuscular blockade response: contributions to an automatic controller calibration", Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 49(3), 955-968.

[47] Mendonça, T., Magalhães, H., Esteves, S., Lago, P. (2005). "Training and education tool for muscle relaxant administration regimes", European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 22, supp. 34, 196.

[48] Lemos, J., Magalhães, H., Mendonça, T., Dionísio, R. (2005). "Control of neuromuscular blockade in the presence of sensor faults", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 52(11), 1902-1911.

[49] Nunes, C., Ferreira, D., Mendonça, T., Amorim, P., Antunes, L. (2005). "Neuro-fuzzy Techniques to model pharmacodynamic interactions between anesthetic drugs on the bispectral index: a preliminary study", Journal of Intel ligent & Fuzzy Systems, 16, 15-22.

[50] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T., Ferreira, D., Antunes, L., Amorim, P. (2005). "Propofol and remifentanil pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics during induction may predict recovery of anesthesia", Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 17(4), pp. 252-253.

[51] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T., Ferreira, D., Antunes, L., Amorim, P. (2005). "Propofol and remifentanil pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics during induction may predict recovery of anesthesia", Anesthesiology, 103, pp. A801.

[52] Magalhães, H., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2005). "Identification and control of positive and compartmental systems applied to neuromuscular blockade", Proc. of 16th IFAC World Congress, Praga, Chec Republic, 4-8 July.

[53] Lemos, J., Magalhães, H., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2005). "Observer dynamics in switching control: application to neuromuscular blockade", Proc. of WISP 2005 - IEEE International Symposium on Intel ligent Signal Processing, Faro, Portugal, 1-3 Setembro, 211-216.

[54] Alonso, H., Magalhães, H., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2005). "A hybrid method for parameter estimation", Proc. of WISP 2005 - IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, Faro, Portugal, 1-3 Setembro, ISBN 0-7803-9031-8, 304-309.

[55] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T. (2005). "Modelling initial patient response for control during general anaesthesia", Proc. of the IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BioMED 2005, Innsbruck, Austria, February 16-18.

[56] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T., Ferreira, D.A., Antunes, L., Amorim, P. (2005). "Propofol and remifentanil pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics during induction and recovery of anesthesia", Anesthesiology, 103, p. A801.

[57] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T., Ferreira, D.A., Antunes, L., Amorim, P. (2005). "Propofol and remifentanil pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics during induction and recovery of anesthesia", Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 17, 4, 252-253.

[58] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T., Amorim, P., Ferreira, D., Antunes, L. (2005). "Comparison of neural networks, fuzzy and stochastic prediction models for return of consciousness after general anesthesia", Proc. of the joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, CDC-ECC05, Seville, Spain, 12-15 December, 4827-4832.

[59] Magalhães, H., Lemos, J., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P., Esteves, S. (2006). "Observer design in switching control of neuromuscular blockade: clinical cases", 28th Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Proceedings, 5436-5439, Scopus, ISI P.

[60] Mendonça, T., Magalhães H., Nunes, C., Lemos, J.L. (2006). "Adaptive control in anesthesia", Proc. of the 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, M. Ayala-Botto, IST, 6 pages, Lisboa, Portugal, September 11-13.

[61] Gaivão, J.P., Santos, E., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2006). "Pratical implementation issues for switching between stabilizing controllers", Proc. of the 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, M. Ayala-Botto, IST, 6 pages, Lisbon, Portugal, September 11-13.

[62] Alonso, H., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2006). "Contributions to parameter estimation using feedforward neural networks", Proc. of the 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, M. Ayala-Botto, IST, 6 pages, Lisbon, Portugal, September 11-13.

[63] Alonso, H., Magalhães, H., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2006). "Multiple strategies for parameter estimation via a hybrid method: a comparative study. 6th IFAC Symposium on Model ling and Control in Biomedical Systems (Including Biological Systems), (ed. D. D. Feng, O. Dubios, J. Zaytoon, E. Carson), Elsevier IFAC Publications, Oxford, UK, MCBMS 2006, 87-92, Reims, France, September 20-22, pp. A previous version with 12 pages is available online at Cadernos de Matemática - Série de Investigação, UA, CM 05/I-45,

[64] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T., Antunes, L., Ferreira, D., Lobo, F., Amorim, P. (2006). "Modelling drugs pharmacodynamic interaction during general anaesthesia: the choice of pharmacokinetic model, 6th IFAC Symposium on Model ling and Control in Biomedical Systems (Including Biological Systems) (ed. D. D. Feng, O. Dubios, J. Zaytoon, E. Carson), Elsevier IFAC Publications, Oxford, UK, (MCBMS 06), 447-452 Reims, France, September 20-22.

[65] Mendonça, T., Nunes, C., Magalhães, H., Lemos, J., Amorim, P. (2006). "Predictive adaptive control of unconsciousness - exploiting remifentanil as an accessible disturbance", IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, ed. A. Varga,(CCA06), pp. 205-210, Munich, Germany, 4-6 October.

[66] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T., Magalhães, H., Lemos, J., Amorim, P. (2006). "Predictive adaptive control of the bispectral index of the EEG (BIS)-using the intravenous anaesthetic drug propofol. 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intel ligent Information Engineering Systems, KES2006, pp. 1248-1255, Bournemouth, England, October 9-11.

[67] Mendonça, T., Marçal, A.R.S., Vieira, A., Lacerda, L., Caridade, C., Rozeira. J. (2006), "Automatic analysis of dermoscopy images - A review", Proceedings of the CompIMAGE - Computational Model ling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, Balkema (in press).

[68] Mendonça, T.,Marçal, A.R.S., Vieira, A. ,Lacerda, L., Caridade, C., Rozeira, J., 2006, Automatic analysis of dermoscopy images - A review, Proceedings of the CompIMAGE - Computational Modelling of Ob jects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and
Applications, Balkema.

[69] Nunes, C., Mendonça, T., Magalhães, H., Lemos, J., Amorim, P. (2006). "Predictive adaptive control of the Bispectral Index of the EEG (BIS) - using the intravenous anaesthetic drug propofol, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 1248-1255, Book series title: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg, Scopus, ISI WS.

[70] Mendonça, T., Magalhães, H., Lemos, J., Esteves, S. (2006). "Multiple model switching control of neuromuscular blockade: clinical cases", Anesthesiology, 105: A1565.

[71] Mendonça, T., Nunes, C., Magalhães, H., Lemos, J., Amorim, P. (2006). "Predictive adaptive control of BIS using propofol: remifentanil as an accessible disturbance", Anesthesiology, 105, A1568.

[72] Nunes, C.S., Mendonça, T., Ferreira, D.A., Antunes, L., Amorim, P. (2006). "Modeling Propofol and Remifentanil Pharmacodynamic Interaction: the Choice of Pharmacokinetic Model", Anesthesiology, 105, A1201

[73] Nunes, C.S., Mendonça, T., Ferreira, D.A., Antunes, L., Amorim, P. (2006). "The Influence on the Choice of Pharmacokinetic Model on the Propofol and Reminfentanil Interaction", Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 18(4), pp. 333-334.

[74] Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2006), "Nature Inspired Varying Control for Neuromuscular Blockade", Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Nature-inspired Smart Information Systems, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 29 November - 1 December.

[75] Lemos, J.M., Mendonça, T., Nunes, C. (2006). "Nature Inspired Adaptive Control for Anesthesia Based on Diversity", Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Natureinspired Smart Information Systems, ed. Derek Linkens, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 29 November - 1 December.

[76] Mendonça, T., Nunes, C., Lemos, J. (2006), "Sensor Merging for Wide Spread Identification of Hypnosis, Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Nature-inspired Smart Information Systems, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 29 November - 1 December.

[77] Caridade, C., Marçal, A.R.S., Mendonça, T. (2006), "The use of texture for image classification of black & white air-photographs", Proceedings of the 26th EARSeL Symposium, New Developments and Challenges in Remote Sensing, edited by Zbigniew Bochenek,
Millpress, Rotterdam, (in press).

[78] Caridade, C., Marçal, A.R.S., Mendonça, T. (2006), "The use of texture for image classification of black & white air-photographs", International Journal of Remote Sensing, Taylor Francis, England, 15 pag., (in press).

[79] Nunes, C. S., Alonso, H., Castro, A., Amorim, P., Mendonça, T. (2007). "Towards the control of depth of anaesthesia: identification of patient variability", European Control Conference 2007", Kos, Greece, 2-5 July 2007, aceite.

[80] Lemos, J.M., Magalhães, H., Mendonça, T. (2007). "THMM based sensor fault detection in neuromuscular blockade control", European Control Conference 2007", Kos, Greece, 2-5 July 2007, aceite.

[81] Mendonça, T., Magalhães, H., Lemos, J., Rocha, P., Esteves, S. (2007). "Multiple Model Adaptive Control of Neuromuscular Blockade: Design Guidelines and Clinical Cases", European Control Conference 2007", Kos, Greece, 2-5 July 2007, aceite.

[82] Sousa, C., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2007) "Control of uncertain compartmental systems", "Proceeding of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation", Athens, Greece, June 27-29, 248-252, ISBN 978-96-0254-664-2.

[83] Nunes, C.S., Mendonça, T., Lemos, J.M., Amorim, P. (2007) "Predictive adaptive control of the bispectral index of the EEG (BIS): exploring electromyography as an accessible disturbance", "Proceeding of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation", Athens, Greece, June 27-29, 598-602, ISBN 978-96-0254-664-2.

[84] Caridade, C.M.R., Marçal, A.R.S. Mendonça, T. (2007). "Automatic extraction and classification of DNA profiles in digital images", Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, ed. Joao Manuel R.S. Tavares & R.M. Natal Jorge, Taylor & Francis, (in press).

[85] Alonso, H., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2007). "A contribution to the use of Hopfield neural networks for parameter estimation", Proceeding of the European Control Conference 2007", Kos, Greece, July 2-5, 2844-2849, ISBN 978-96-0254-664-2.

[86] Nunes07_2Nunes, C. S., Alonso, H., Castro, A., Amorim, P., Mendonça, T. (2007).
"Towards the control of depth of anaesthesia: identification of patient variability", Proceeding of the European Control Conference 2007", Kos, Greece, July 2-5, 3109-3115, ISBN 978-96-0254-664-2.

[87] Lemos, J.M., Magalhães, H., Mendonça, T. (2007). "HMM based sensor fault detection in neuromuscular blockade control", Proceeding of the European Control Conference 2007", Kos, Greece, July 2-5, 2547-2553.

[88] Mendonça, T., Magalhães, H., Lemos, J. , Rocha, P., Esteves, S. (2007). "Multiple model adaptive control of neuromuscular blockade: design guidelines and clinical cases", Proceeding of the European Control Conference 2007", Kos, Greece, July 2-5, 2541-2546.

[89] Nunes, C.S., Mendonça, T., Brás, S., Ferreira, D., Amorim, P. (2007). "Modeling Anesthetic Drugs' Pharmacodynamic Interaction on the Bispectral Index of the EEG: The Influence of Heart Rate", em 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, Cité Internationale, Lyon, France, Aug 23-26, Scopus, ISI P.

[90] Mendonça, T., Marçal, A.R.S., Vieira, A., Nascimento, J., Silveira, M., Marques, J., Rozeira, J. (2007). "Comparison of Segmentation Methods for Automatic Diagnosis of Dermoscopy Images", em 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, Cité Internationale, Lyon, France, Aug 23-26, Scopus, ISI P.

[91] Nunes, C.S., Mendonça, T., Lemos, J., Amorim, P. (2007). "Control of Depth of Anesthesia Using MUSMAR - Exploring Electromyography and the Analgesic Dose As Accessible Disturbances", em 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, Cité Internationale, Lyon, France, Aug 23-26, Scopus, ISI P.

[92] Nunes C.S., Mendonca T, Lemos J, Amorim P. (2007). "Predictive Adaptive Control of BIS using Propofol: EMG as an Accessible Disturbance", Abstract em Anesthesiology.

[93] Nunes C.S., Mendonça T., Ferreira D.A., Antunes L., Amorim P. (2007). "Dynamic Modeling of the effect of Propofol and Remifentanil on BIS: the influence of heart rate", Abstract em Anesthesiology.

[94] Alonso, H., Mendonça, T., Rocha P., Esteves, S. (2007). "A hybrid approach for estimation PK/PD parameters", Abstract em Anesthesiology.

[95] Mendonça T., Nunes C.S., Lago P. (2008) “Intelligent Control Systems in Anaesthesia”. Intelligent and Adaptive Systems in Medicine, (ed O. Haas and K. Burnham, Coventry University, UK), Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. UK, ISBN: 978-0-7503-0994-3 (March 19), pp 53-94.

[96] H. Alonso, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha. “A hybrid method for parameter estimation and its application to biomedical systems”. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 89-2, 2008, pp. 112-122.

[97] T. Mendonça, J.M. Lemos, H. Magalhães, S. Esteves. “Drug Delivery for Neuromuscular Blockade With Supervised Multi-model Adaptive Control”. IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, 17-6, 2009, pp. 1237-1244.

[98] H. Alonso, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha. “Hopfield neural networks for on-line parameter estimation”. Neural Networks, 22-4, 2009, pp. 450-462.

[99] A.J. Neves, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha. “A Switching Control Strategy for Improving Drug Infusion”. International Journal of Control, 82-12, 2009, pp. 2221-2234.

[100] C. Sousa, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha. "Target mass control for uncertain compartmental systems". International Journal of Control, 83-7, 2010, pages 1387 - 1396.

[101] Sousa, C., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2008), “Total mass control in uncertain compartmental systems”. 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 6 pag., Vila-Real, Portugal, Julho 21-23.

[102] Lemos, J. M., Roma, N., Mendonça, T., Leonel, Costa, B., Esteves, S., Amorim, P., (2008). “Development of an integrated control system for anesthesia automation". 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 6 pag., Vila-Real, Portugal, Julho 21-23.

[103] Sebastião, R., Gama, J., Mendonça, T. (2008), “Learning from Data Streams: Synopsis and Change Detection". Proceedings of the 4th European Starting AI Researchers' Symposium, held jointly with 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Patras, Greece, 163 - 174, July 21-25, 2008.

[104] Silva, M.M., Sousa, C., Sebastião, R., Gama, J., Mendonça, T., P. Rocha, P., Esteves, S., (2009), “Total Mass TCI driven by Parametric Estimation", Proceedings of the 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 24-26, 2009.

[105] Costa, A.B., Silva, M.M., Mendonça, T., Lemos J.M.,(2009), “Blockade Nonlinear Model Identification". Proceedings of the 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 24-26, 2009.

[106] Oliveira, P., Hespanha, J.P., Lemos, J.M., Mendonça, T. , (2009). “Supervised Multi-Model Adaptive Control of Neuromuscular Blockade with Off-Set Compensation". Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, August 23-26, 2009.

[107] Silva, M.M., Alonso, H., Lemos, J.M., Mendonça, T., (2009), “An Adaptive Approach to Target Controlled Infusion". Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, August 23-26, 2009.

[108] Almeida, J., Silva, M. M., Wigren, T., Mendonça, T., (2010), “Contributions to the initialization of online identification algorithms for anaesthesia: the NeuroMuscular Blockade case study". Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Automation and Control (MED10), Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 1341 - 1346, June 23-25.

[109] Silva, M. M., Mendonça, T., Wigren, T., (2010), “Online Nonlinear Identification of the Effect of Drugs in Anaesthesia Using a Minimal Parameterization and BIS Measurements". Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC10), Baltimore, MD, U.S.A., pp. 4379 - 4384, 30-July 02.

[110] Caridade, C., Marçal, A. Mendonça, T., Pessoa, A.M., Pereira, S. (2010) “Automatic Information extraction from Gel Electrophoresis Images Using GEIAS”: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, Póvoa do varzim, Portugal, pp. 185-194, July 21-23.

[111] Caridade, C.M.R., Marçal, A.R.S., Mendonça, T., Albuquerque, P., Mendes, M.V., Tavares, F. (2010). “Automatic analysis of macroarrays' images”. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS – (EMBC 2010), pp. 6122-6125.

[112] Silva, M. M., Wigren, T., Mendonça, T. “Nonlinear identification of a minimal Neuromuscular Blockade model in anesthesia”. IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology (under revision).

[113] Silva, M. M., Mendonça, T., Wigren, T.. “Identification of the BIS and SE in anaesthesia using a new minimally parameterized nonlinear model'”. Int. J. Adaptive Control and Signal Processing (submitted).

[114] Almeida, J., Silva, M. M., Mendonça, T., Rocha, P. (2011), “A compartmental model-based control strategy for NeuroMuscular Blockade level'”, Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, (submitted).

[115] Sebastião, R., Silva, M. M., Gama, J., Mendonça, T. “Contributions to an advisory system for changes detection in Depth of Anesthesia signals”. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, (submitted).

Aplicação computacional (Instalação piloto)

[1] Magalhães, H., Mendonça, T., Lago, P. (2002). "Hipocrates: Datex-Relaxograph monitoring and automatic control of neuromuscular blockade", Software application and users manual, DMA-FCUP, Julho.