Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes

Computational Biochemistry, University of Porto

        Alexandrino Fernandes


The group is managed by two university staff members (Prof. Maria João Ramos and I) and includes 4 researchers and 13 MSc and PhD students. Most of them have a degree in chemistry or in biochemistry. Students from bioinformtics, pharmacy and bioengineering courses work frequently with us as well.
Below you can find a list of the team members that presently work in the group.

Group Members

Doctorate Researchers
Rui Neves
João Coimbra
Ana Oliveira
Pedro Ferreira

PhD Students
Pedro Paiva
Matilde Viegas
João Sousa
Carola Jerves
Juliana Amorim
Alexandre Pinto

MSc Students
Luis Teixeira
Miguel Lacerda
Nuno Oliveira

Undergraduate Students
Joana Silva
Internship Students (all degrees)
Filipa Miranda
Beatriz Magalhães
Sophie Shroeder
Antoine Gissler