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Manganese(III) - HHDH[HO]O

Electronic spectroscopy studies on the resting and enzyme-substrates states of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase support the hypothesis of a side-on peroxo complex with the superoxide anion. The superoxide anion coordinates to the manganese ion between two histidines. The spin multiplicity of the coordination sphere has been reported as a quartet, due to an antiferromagnetic coupling between the superoxide and manganese species.


Oxidation State: Mn(III)
Spin Multiplicity: 4

Structure chosen to parameterize

Protein Manganese Superoxide Dismutase
Crystallographic Resolution 1.80 Å
Organism Thermus thermophilus
[Lah, 1995]

Parameters Determined

Atom Types

MN M1 54.938
OD1 D1 15.9994
NE2 NI 14.0067
NE2 NJ 14.0067
NE2 NK 14.0067
OW W1 15.9994
HO HM 1.00794

Bond Parameters

BOND Kl / kcal mol-1 Å-2 l / Å REFERENCE
M1-NI 82.11 2.1879 [Neves, 2013]
M1-NJ 123.46 2.0161
M1-NK 138.95 2.0175
M1-D1 111.54 2.0630
M1-R1 96.51 1.9361
M1-W1 227.9 1.7993
NI-CR 488.0 1.335
NI-CV 410.0 1.394
NJ-CR 488.0 1.335
NJ-CV 410.0 1.394
NK-CR 488.0 1.335
NK-CV 410.0 1.394
D1-C 656.0 1.25
R1-O 384.3 1.430
W1-HM 553.0 0.9572

Angle Parameters

ANGLE Kθ / kcal mol-1 rad-2 θ / deg REFERENCE
NI-M1-NJ 93.41 91.0663 [Neves, 2013]
NI-M1-NK 96.11 86.5034
NI-M1-D1 118.5 82.0566
NI-M1-W1 77.66 176.5931
NI-M1-R1 83.7 84.2181
NJ-M1-NK 97.22 172.0561
NJ-M1-D1 74.40 93.5533
NJ-M1-W1 96.31 90.3808
NJ-M1-R1 95.80 86.9561
NK-M1-D1 75.579 93.5990
NK-M1-W1 92.14 92.4642
NK-M1-R1 99.09 85.2759
D1-M1-W1 83.35 94.7758
D1-M1-R1 70.04 166.2720
W1-M1-R1 61.59 98.9401
M1-NI-CR 53.671 126.4370
M1-NI-CV 53.671 126.4370
M1-NJ-CR 40.495 123.3813
M1-NJ-CV 40.495 123.3813
M1-NK-CR 31.220 112.3780
M1-NK-CV 31.220 112.3780
M1-D1-C 47.094 135.5495
M1-W1-HM 36.67 106.2284
M1-R1-O 41.32 118.4913
NI-CR-NA 70.0 120.0
NI-CR-H5 50.0 120.0
NI-CV-CC 70.0 120.0
CV-NI-CR 70.0 117.0
H4-CV-NI 50.0 120.0
NJ-CR-NA 70.0 120.0
NJ-CR-H5 50.0 120.0
NJ-CV-CC 70.0 120.0
CV-NJ-CR 70.0 117.0
H4-CV-NJ 50.0 120.0
NK-CR-NA 70.0 120.0
NK-CR-H5 50.0 120.0
NK-CV-CC 70.0 120.0
CV-NK-CR 70.0 117.0
H4-CV-NK 50.0 120.0
D1-C-CT 70.0 117.0
D1-C-O2 80.0 126.0

Van der Waals Parameters

ATOM TYPE Ri / Å εi / kcal mol-1 REFERENCE
M1 1.4544 0.03 [Babu, 2006]
NI 1.824 0.17
NJ 1.824 0.17
NK 1.824 0.17
D1 1.6612 0.21
R1 1.6612 0.2100
O 1.6612 0.2100
W1 1.7210 0.2104
HM 0.6000 0.0157 [Cornell, 1995]

Validation of Parameters from MD Simulations

Bond Parameters

BOND l0 crystal l0 opt ‹l›MD ± σ(l) ‹l›MD ± 2σ(l)
M1-D1 1.80 2.06 2.09 ± 0.05 [2.038; 2.142]
M1-NI 2.15 2.19 2.20 ± 0.06 [2.141; 2.254]
M1-NJ 2.12 2.02 2.02 ± 0.05 [1.969; 2.063]
M1-NK 2.16 2.02 2.05 ± 0.05 [2.003; 2.094]
M1-W1 2.07 1.80 1.79 ± 0.04 [1.752; 1.825]
M1-R1 2.68 1.94 1.93 ± 0.06 [1.872; 1.984]

Angle Parameters

ANGLE θ0 crystal θ0 QM ‹θ›MD ± σ(θ) ‹θ›MD ± 2σ(θ)
NI-M1-NJ 92.4 91.1 92 ± 2 [86.9; 96.6]
NI-M1-NK 90.3 86.5 89 ± 2 [84.3; 93.7]
NI-M1-D1 89.1 82.1 82 ± 2 [77.6; 87.0]
NI-M1-W1 175.5 176.6 176 ± 2 [172.3; 179.7]
NI-M1-R1 97.6 84.2 86 ± 2 [80.8; 90.8]
NJ-M1-NK 130.8 172.1 170 ± 2 [165.7; 174.9]
NJ-M1-D1 110.1 93.6 93 ± 3 [87.0; 98.6]
NJ-M1-W1 90.0 90.4 87 ± 2 [82.6; 92.4]
NJ-M1-R1 66.4 87.0 85 ± 3 [80.4; 90.5]
NK-M1-D1 119.2 93.6 97 ± 3 [90.9; 102.1]
NK-M1-W1 91.0 92.5 92 ± 3 [86.9; 97.1]
NK-M1-R1 64.6 85.3 85 ± 2 [80.5; 90.2]
D1-M1-W1 86.5 94.8 96 ± 3 [90.5; 101.8]
D1-M1-R1 172.4 166.3 167 ± 3 [162.3; 172.5]
W1-M1-R1 86.8 98.9 96 ± 3 [90.1; 101.3]


Parameter File .frcmod
Coordination Sphere Charges .off
Manganese Superoxide Dismutase’s PDB File (1MNG.pdb)
.pdb, leaprc


Neves, R.P.P.; Sousa, S.F.; Fernandes, P.A.; Ramos, M.J.. Parameters for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Manganese-Containing Metalloproteins . J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2013, 9 (6), 2718–2732

mm/parameters/manganese/hhdh_ho_o.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/03 18:56 by ruineves