Workshop: Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems

7th-9th September 2016


The erratic behaviour of chaotic dynamical systems motivated the use of probabilistic tools to study the statistical behaviour of such systems. The time evolution of these systems gives rise to time series resulting from evaluating an observable function along their orbits. The statistical properties of these stochastic processes, in particular, the existence of limiting distributions has become a very important topic in Ergodic Theory.


The goal of this workshop is to join a group of specialists and create a warm atmosphere for interaction and stimulation of new collaborations and developments on the subject.




Scientific Committee:

Ian Melbourne

Sandro Vaienti



Romain Aimino

José F. Alves

Wael Bashoun

Jorge M. Freitas

Mário Magalhães

Ian Melbourne

Benoît Saussol

Sandro Vaienti



Ana Cristina M. Freitas

Jorge M. Freitas

Benoît Saussol


The conference will take place at CMUP (room 0.30). For directions to CMUP and some lodging suggestions click here.


For the list of abstracts click here. For the schedule click here.


The talks are open to all and there is no registration fee. However, for logistic purposes, those interested to participate are encouraged to send an email to Ana Cristina Moreira Freitas.




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The workshop is supported by FCT projects FAPESP/19805/2014, PTDC/MAT-CAL/3884/2014 and CMUP (UID/MAT/00144/2013), which is funded by FCT (Portugal) with national (MEC) and European structural funds through the programs FEDER, under the partnership agreement PT2020.